Friday, October 15, 2010

Powershell with MySql

To do Mysql select with powershell, you first must download on MySQL site the MySQL Connector .NET

For information, on my computer, I have a "CAQuietExec Failed" error with mysql connector v6.2.5. No problem with v6.1.5 (MySQL Connector Previous Version)

To use Mysql connector, you must load assembly then use MySql connection. You can download script here

# Export MySQL Infos
# by F.Richard 2010-09

set-psdebug -strict

# Script Directory
$strCurDir = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
Set-Location $strCurDir | Out-Null
#Write-Host "Current Dir: $strCurDir"

#$debug = $True
$debug = $False

# need MySQL Connector
# in PS2.0 Add-Type -AssemblyName

# ***********************************************

Function executeMYSQLQuery {
Param ([hashtable]$options)
$strServer = $(if ($options.ContainsKey("strServer")) {$options["strServer"]} else {"(localhost)"})
$strDatabase = $(if ($options.ContainsKey("strDatabase")) {$options["strDatabase"]} else {"default"})
$strCommandTimeout = $(if ($options.ContainsKey("strCommandTimeout")) {$options["strCommandTimeout"]} else {"15"})
$strPort = $(if ($options.ContainsKey("strPort")) {";Port=" + $options["strPort"]} else {""})

$strUser = $(if ($options.ContainsKey("strUser")) {";User Id=" + $options['strUser']} else {""})
$strPassword = $(if ($options.ContainsKey("strPassword")) {";Password=" + $options['strPassword']} else {""})
$strAuthentication = $(if ($strUser -and $strPassword) {"$strUser$strPassword"} else {""})
$strMisc = $(if ($options.ContainsKey("strMisc")) {";" + $options['strMisc']} else {""})

$strQuery = $(if ($options.ContainsKey("strQuery")) {$options['strQuery']} else {""})

If ($debug) {
Write-Host "DEBUG: strServer:" $strServer
Write-Host "DEBUG: strDatabase:" $strDatabase
Write-Host "DEBUG: strCommandTimeout:" $strCommandTimeout
Write-Host "DEBUG: strPort:" $strPort
Write-Host "DEBUG: strUser:" $strUser
Write-Host "DEBUG: strPassword:" $strPassword
Write-Host "DEBUG: strAuthentication:" $strAuthentication
Write-Host "DEBUG: strMisc:" $strMisc
Write-Host "DEBUG: strQuery:" $strQuery

# Create SqlConnection
$conn = New-Object ('MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection')
If (!$conn) {
Write-Host "ERROR: MySql Connection could not be created!"
$connString = "Server=$strServer$strAuthentication;Database=$strDatabase$strPort$strMisc"
If ($debug) {
Write-Host "DEBUG: Sql Connection String:" $connString

# more information
$conn.ConnectionString = $connString
$dtResult = New-Object "System.Data.DataTable"
If ($conn.State -eq 1) {
$sqlCmd = New-Object "MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand"
If ($sqlCmd) {
$sqlCmd.CommandTimeout = $strCommandTimeout
$sqlCmd.CommandText = $strQuery
$sqlCmd.Connection = $conn

# INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE ExecuteNonQuery()
# SELECT ExecuteReader()
$data = $sqlCmd.ExecuteReader()
$dtResult.Load($data) # fill
$sqlCmd.Dispose() # frees all resources that were used by the object.
} Else {
Write-Host "ERROR: Cannot create SqlCommand object!";
} Else {
Write-Host "ERROR: Connection cannot be opened!";
$conn = $Null

#$dtResult | Format-Table -autosize
return $dtResult

# ***********************************************

Function getInfos {
$query = "SELECT * FROM YourTable"

# Here Table name is YourTable
# and fields name are Field1, Field1 and Field3

$dtResult = New-Object "System.Data.DataTable"

$hashOptions = @{ }
$hashOptions["strServer"] = "localhost"
$hashOptions["strDatabase"] = "db_name"
$hashOptions["strUser"] = "user"
$hashOptions["strPassword"] = "password"
$hashOptions["strQuery"] = $query
$dtResult = executeMYSQLQuery($hashOptions)

If ($dtResult -ne $Null) {
Foreach ($row in $dtResult){
$result = $row.Field1 + ";" + $row.Field2 + ";" + $row.Field3
Write-Host $result

$dtResult = $Null

# ***********************************************


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